A biologically “old” breast cancer subtype in a very young woman: a plea of ignorance

Marcin Sniadecki, Magdalena Krajewska, Maria Stasiak, Aleksandra Walkiewicz, Pawel W. Guzik
January 3, 2025 by


A 27-year-old patient, a physician by profession, attended a gynecologist for a first ultrasound (US) breast examination. Until then, she had no oncological burdens or chronic diseases, had been using hormonal contraception (HC) for 11 years, and had not performed breast self-examination. On US examination, an oval lesion in the right breast (6:30), assessed according to the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) score 3, was detected and a follow-up examination was recommended for 6 months’ time. At the follow-up examination after 7 months, the lesion was classified as BIRADS-US-4b (Fig. 1). The patient was referred for a core-needle biopsy. Histopathological examination of a specimen revealed invasive breast carcinoma of no special type G-1 [World Health Organization (WHO): invasive breast carcinoma of no special type (NST)] luminal A phenotype (cT1c, cN0, cMx). Then an magnetic resonance imaging was performed which confirmed the presence of a 16 mm lesion suspected for malignancy. At the patient’s request, breast-conserving surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy was rejected, and instead, the surgical treatment was subcutaneous mastectomy with reconstruction (Fig. 2). Hormone therapy with tamoxifen and goserelin was then commenced.

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